Fees and Payment

Conference fee (late registration)

Regular participant, SASBMB member R 1400
Regular participant, Non-SASBMB member R 2250
Student participant, SASBMB member R 950
Student participant, Non-SASBMB member R 1400
Accompanying person for Entire Conference R 700

The registration fee includes all conference material, the abstract book, all teas, coffees and lunches. The dinner-time social events are also included except for the banquet, which must be paid for separately.

Banquet fee

Residence accommodation

Cancellation policy

Before 15 December 2004

After 15 December 2004

Payment deadline

Cancellation procedure

Payment details

Conference bank account

Account name XIXth SASBMB Conference
Bank and Branch ABSA, Stellenbosch
Branch Code 334-410
Account number 40-5937-5147

Payment options