Scientific Programme

The following session topics are planned:

  1. Bioinformatics and Structural Biology
  2. Metabolism and Physiological Biochemistry
  3. Immunology and Pathogenesis
  4. Plant Biochemistry
  5. Signal Transduction and Cell Biology
  6. Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics
  7. General and Applied Biochemistry

Final Programme

The lecture schedule (programme) for the conference can be found here (PDF format).

Workshops and Special Sessions

The Organising Committee has decided that Thursday morning, 20th January, will be devoted to Workshops and Special Sessions. Interested parties wishing to organise such an event must please let the Committee know before the end of November 2004. We will make the following available:

In addition we will place any material or flyers required in the conference bag. All other organisational matters (eg. attendance, speakers, accommodation, etc.) must be handled by the respective organisers. The committee will of course assist where and whenever possible.

LightCycler/MagNA Pure Workshop

On Thursday, 20 January 2005 at 09:00, Roche Applied Science will present a specialist workshop on:
"The Evolution Continues" — LightCycler/MagNA Pure Workshop
More information here (PDF format).

Proteomics Workshop

On Thursday, 20 January 2005, a Post SASBMB Conference Proteomics Workshop will be presented by Keith Compson and John Coffey from Waters Corporation, Manchester, UK. More information on costs and registration here (PDF format).

Satellite Meeting

A 5-day workshop on Microarray Data Analysis will be held at UCT from January 11th to January 15th, 2005.

The course aims to provide an introduction to the technology of microarrays with particular focus on the bioinformatics and statistical techniques required for the analysis of results.

Full details on the course and how to apply can be found at